
For Some Trinity Students, Tomorrow is the Culmination of Weeks of Canvassing

This rare breed of student has been zealously knocking on doors, leafletting and, in some cases, managing campaigns for the last few months.
By Dominic McGrath and Eleanor O'Mahony

Finding the Difference Between Consent and Conceding in University Consent Workshops

Charlotte Ryan examines consent workshop models in the US and UK, and explores the uneven terrain that is sex ed and consent.
By Charlotte Ryan

In Trinity Leukemia Expert, an Unsung Hero

Trinity alumnus, CBE, and medical researcher Owen Patrick Smith discusses the future of Irish medical research and how it feels to save a life.
By Tom Myatt

Syrian Students in Europe, Torn Between Their Homes and Their Future

Charlotte Ryan and Rana Rassouli speak to displaced Syrian students on the difficulties of pursuing an education in a war-torn climate.
By Charlotte Ryan and Rana Rassouli

The Dark Problem of Ireland’s Young Men

Hugh Mitchell raises the untalked about issue of suicide rates among young men in Ireland.
By Hugh Mitchell

The Doctors and Medical Students Working to Repeal the Eighth

Kate Lawler speaks to Dr Tiernan Murray on the work being done by students, pro-choice organisations and medical professionals in the campaign to repeal the eighth.
By Kate Lawler

The Most Read Articles of 2015

For the first time in its history, The University Times surpassed one million unique readers in a calendar year.

Innovation in Diversity as Trinity Attempts to Create a Socially Diverse Campus

Jenna Clarke-Molloy examines alternative access routes to education in Trinity
By Jenna Clarke-Molloy

Student Resistance and Slacktivism in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Rana Rassouli speaks to a campaign member of My Stealthy Freedom to compare global versions of student protesting.
By Rana Rassouli

Whether its Right to Teach Ethics to Business Students

In studying business, there is little consensus about what ethics are, or how they should be taught. In Trinity, they're considered a good investment.
By Hugh Mitchell