In Focus

With new CEO, Science Gallery to Take the Dublin Model Global
Sophie Andrews-McCarroll sits down with the incoming CEO of Science Gallery International to talk about the global model pioneered in Trinity.

GSU Vice-President Candidates Want to Expand Postgraduate Community and Increase Support
Candidates expressed their desire to extend the union’s engagement with postgraduate students, and to work on the relationship with TCDSU.

The Bad Blood Between Irish Gay Men and the State
Diarmaid North speaks to students and the Irish Blood Transfusion Service about the campaign to revoke the MSM blood ban.

GSU Presidential Candidates Vow to Increase Engagement and Work Closer with TCDSU
Candidate discuss the unique representative capacities of the GSU, potential for a third sabbatical officer and thoughts on merging with TCDSU.

First Female Vice-Provost, Lasting Advocate for Gender Equality
After being elected as Pro-Chancellor, Jane Grimson speaks about her relationship to Trinity and how College continues to be a pioneer in addressing gender inequality.

Building Trinity’s Brand of Feminism
After the success of the recent Feminists of Trinity campaign, Aoife O'Donoghue speaks to some key Trinity figures about how to bring feminism further into Trinity.

Behind Closed Doors with Trinity’s Award-Winning Mail Room
Ciaran Sunderland speaks to Peter Blanchfield of Trinity's mail room about his time working in Trinity and the mail room's legacy.

Trinity Virtual Reality Game Piques Interest of UN and NATO
Kathleen McNamee speaks to the team behind Gaming for Peace, Trinity's virtual reality educational platform about peacekeeping in the digital age.

With Ambitious Goals to Attract Northern Irish Students, Trinity Reaches Across the Border
Northern Irish students on their application to Trinity, their experiences during their time here and the future of Northern Ireland.

Dubhghlas de hÍde: Ceannródaí Cultúrtha agus Ceannaireachta an Náisiúin
Fear é Dubhghlas de hÍde ar éirigh leis tionchar dosháraithe a imirt ar mhúnlú na tíre. Is anseo i gColáiste na Tríonóide a d’fhoghlaim sé a chuid.