
USI to Consider Feasibility of Nationwide Welfare Campaign
Ciarán Watts, who proposed the motion, said that a campaign like Break the Barriers could 'work really well on the welfare side of things'.

UL President Des Fitzgerald Resigns, Just Three Years After Taking Role
Fitzgerald, a medical doctor, said he had decided to resign ‘in the context of Covid 19’, adding it would limit his ability to serve the college.

USI to Lobby Government for Reform of ‘Shoddy and Broken’ SUSI Grant
The national union voted today in favour of a motion to lobby for changes to SUSI's eligibility criteria.

USI Records €80k Surplus for Year Ending June 2019
The body's accounts warn USI is ‘developing a dependency on grant income which relate to specific projects’.

State Won’t Cover Colleges’ Financial Losses, Expected to Total €500m
The Department of Education has said that it will not cover shortfalls faced by third-level colleges due to the pandemic.

Over 1,000 UCD International Students Call for Tuition Compensation
Around 1,100 students have signed a petition calling for compensation in light of the college’s closure due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trinity to Give Erasmus and Study Abroad Update This Friday
Trinity's vice-president for global affairs will give staff and students a long-awaited update on Erasmus and Study Abroad this Friday.

Top Academics Call for Establishment of Higher Education Department
Over 800 academics – including leading immunologist Luke O'Neill – say higher education and research need a specific department.

Trinity Graduate Louise Nealon Signs Six-Figure Book Deal For First Two Novels
She joins the ranks of critically acclaimed female authors coming from Trinity in recent years.

Plé Cuimsitheach ag an bPróiseas Comhairliúcháin do Pholasaí Gaeilge Nua TCDSU
Pléadh na laigeachtaí a bhí ag an seanpholasaí Gaeilge TCDSU ag an gcruinniú.