

Months After Launch, Many Students Don’t Feel ‘At Home’ in Business School

Many students have complained about a lack of study spaces and a poorly designed 600-seat lecture theatre.
By Emer Moreau

Union Renews Commitment to Push for Gender Neutral Bathrooms

The union will continue to push for available and accessible gender neutral bathrooms.
By Donal MacNamee

TCDSU to Campaign on 12-Month MSM Blood Donation Ban

The ban currently prevents some gay men from donating blood.
By Orla Murnaghan

TCDSU to Lobby for Expansion of Asylum Seeker Scholarship Scheme

The union voted to push for an expansion of Trinity's Asylum Seeker Access Provision programme.
By Cormac Watson

TCDSU Breaches Constitution, Circulating Council Agenda Late

TCDSU's constitution states that the agenda for its council should be circulated 72 hours before.
By Donal MacNamee

Fine Gael Promises Three New Technological Universities

Minister for Education Joe McHugh and Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O'Connor made the announcement this morning.
By Donal MacNamee

‘Our Voices Matter’: UCDSU President Issues General Election Funding Cry

Joanna Siewierska urged politicians to 'stop the commercialisation of higher education'.
By Danielle Varley

Trinity Sets Up Working Group to Monitor Spread of Coronavirus

An email from Trinity warned students and staff showing symptoms of the disease to contact the College Health Service.
By Robert Quinn

Fee-Paying Students Are Three Times More Likely to Attend Top Universities

Seven in 10 private school students attend university compared to 51 per cent of public school students.
By Ella Connolly

Free Transport for Students Among Promises in Green Party Manifesto

The manifesto also prioritise supports for homeless students, students from disadvantaged areas and students in direction provision.
By Emer Moreau