

DCU Students Campaign Against Deportation of Mehwish Saqib

DCUSU has launched a petition against the deportation of Mehwish Saqib, a third-year student of early childhood education.
By Sárán Fogarty

Maoiniú do Chursaí Gaeilge de Luach €1.63 Milliún Fógartha ag Sean Kyne

Cuirfear an maoiniú ar fáil do 12 chúrsa Gaeilge dírithe ar dlí, aistriúchán agus ateangaireacht.
By Malachi Ó Marcaigh

Trinity May Drastically Cut Student Admissions in Next Five Years, Says Provost

Speaking on the Seán O'Rourke show, Patrick Prendergast said Trinity may need to make the reduction in order to arrest recent rankings falls.
By Donal MacNamee

Developers of TCDSU Voting System Explain Class Rep Mishap

Last week, TCDSU announced that a number of class representatives had been erroneously elected.
By Emer Moreau

Cut the Rent Members to Start Canvassing for Rent Strikes

Members of the new group decided tonight at their first meeting to start canvassing for a rent strike.
By Aisling Marren

TCDSU Takes Anti No-Deal Brexit Stance at Council

TCDSU tonight passed a motion adopting a stance rejecting a no-deal Brexit.
By Cormac Watson

USI Calls Off ‘Break The Barriers’ March Ahead of Hurricane Lorenzo

The march aimed to protest the increased costs of attending college.
By Robert Quinn

‘The Nicest Man in the World’: Trinity Holds Memorial for Séamus Lawless

Prof Séamus Lawless died earlier this year after falling off a balcony on Mount Everest.
By Emer Moreau

Queen’s Expresses Regret Over Use of ‘Barbaric’ Gay Aversion Therapy

The Belfast university said that it now wants to create an environment that "strongly supports its LGBT+ community".
By Orla Murnaghan

TCDSU to Introduce Sign Language Interpreters to Council

Communications and marketing officer Muireann Kane said she was 'very excited' to bring the initiative to the union's council.
By Robert Quinn