

Trinity Physicists Help Design World’s Smallest Engine

The engine was designed by the QuSys group, which is based in the School of Physics in Trinity.
By Aisling Marren

TCDSU Demands €500 Fee Cut in Meeting with Higher Education Minister

TCDSU officers today met Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell-O'Connor to discuss a range of issues affecting third-level students.
By Cormac Watson and Emer Moreau

Trinity to Hire New Accommodation Chief, With Salary Up to €118k

Trinity is looking to hire a new head of accommodation and commercial property.
By Cormac Watson

Andrew Brownlee Becomes New CEO of Solas

Solas, the state agency responsible for supporting further education and skills, announced the appointment yesterday.
By Cormac Watson

Alan Wall Appointed New HEA Chief Executive

The former assistant secretary general of the Department of Education takes over from interim CEO Paul O'Toole.
By Donal MacNamee

55% Of Students Skipping College for Paid Work

A survey of 445 students has found that 55 per cent are skipping lectures for paid work.
By Orla Murnaghan

New Trinity Chancellor to Be in Place by Christmas

Trinity may not have a new Chancellor until Christmas, after the retirement of Mary Robinson in June.
By Emer Moreau

At Trinity’s Printing House Square, Plumbers Protest Underpayment

A small group of protesters gathered outside Printing House Square today to fight the underpayment of plumbers working on the site.
By Cormac Watson

STEM Courses Strong, As Trinity Points Hold Steady

Trinity's STEM courses saw points increases in today's CAO announcement, while points for some arts degrees also rose.
By Emer Moreau

UCD Had More Preliminary First-Preference Applications than Trinity

Provost Patrick Prendergast asked why UCD had more first-preference applications than Trinity.
By Donal MacNamee