Trinity Helps Found Astronomy Education Centre in Birr
Trinity's School of Physics has helped create the Astronomical Midlands, a new educational initiative.
13% of Students Opt In to New Trinity Electives
Trinity's new elective modules will be studied by 1,578 students from next September.
Trinity Student Wins European Biomechanics Award
Trinity PhD Alix Whelan became the first Irish person since 2002 to win the European Society of Biomechanics Student Award.
Trinity PhD Student Calls for Seat for Travellers in Seanad
Trinity student Patrick McDonagh told the Seanad: 'When you look at our political system, you do not see Travellers present.'
Trinity to Hire Operations Manager for New Business School
Trinity Business School's new Development and Operations Manager will be in charge of student and staff recruitment.
In Trinity, Scientists Map Animal Life Cycles – From Salmon to Sharks
Prof Yvonne Buckley from Trinity participated in a study mapping the life cycles of 121 species of organism.
Students Join 1,000 for Rain-Soaked Dublin Trans Pride
Around 1,000 trans rights activists took to the streets today for Dublin's second-ever Trans Pride march.
Space Shortage Leaves Maynooth Students Sitting on Library Floor
A report by higher education watchdog Quality and Qualifications Ireland recommended better co-ordination of student services.
Abolishing Fees Would Cost Government €229m, Says Minister
Minister for Education Joe McHugh said abolishing student contribution fees would hit the budget of the student grant scheme.
Pearse St Gate Set For Two-Month Closure
The gate is being closed to facilitate works to Printing House Square.