
Feachtas Feasachta don Síneadh Fada Seolta ag Mic Léinn Mhá Nuad
Tagann an feachtas mar fhreagra ar chinneadh an Choimisinéir Cosanta Sonraí.

Shaz Oye Triumphs in GSU President Race
Shaz Oye narrowly beat out Gogoal Falia for president of the GSU with 52 per cent of the vote.

Gisèle Scanlon Elected GSU Vice-President
Scanlon was elected with 82 per cent of the vote after running uncontested.

Students Vote to Shorten Term of Ents Officer
Around 69 per cent of students voted in favour of shortening the term of TCDSU Entertainments Officer.

Students Vote Overwhelmingly to Save University Times
Some 74 per cent of voters voted not to slash the funding.

Electoral Commission Condemns Spread of Misinformation in University Times Referendum
The Save UT. Vote No campaign released a statement refuting 'cynical, misleading messages circulating within WhatsApp groups'.

College Approves Four Scholarships for Asylum Seekers
Trinity will offer four scholarships for students living in direct provision.

Students Launch Campaign to Encourage Voting in European Parliament Elections
The campaign is entitled 'This Time I'm Voting'.

GSU Candidates Shine in Intimate Hustings
Candidates seized the chance to impress voters, offering speeches full of passion and plans.

Repeating TSM Students May Be Forced to Change Course
Changes to TSM mean students in certain combinations will not be able to repeat years in their chosen course.