

Bua na mBan le Coiste Úr an Chumainn Ghaelaigh

Is mná ar fad atá sa trí phost is sinsearaí sa chumann.
By Eoin O'Hare

Trinity Ranks 10th In World for Climate Action

The list was compiled by Times Higher Education and featured three Irish universities in the top 100.
By Rachel O'Leary

Student Arrested in Trinity Library for Abusive Behaviour

The student was removed three times from campus today.
By Robert Quinn

College to Run Dignity and Respect Meetings for Students

Trinity has invited students to participate in focus groups to cultivate a policy of dignity and respect on campus.
By Aisling Marren

In Statement, Knights of the Campanile Refutes Hazing Allegations

Peter Ledbetter, the Master of the society, said coverage of the initiation evening was 'misleading' and 'inept'.
By Donal MacNamee

Lorna Fitzpatrick Elected USI President

Fitzpatrick defeated fellow candidate Oisín Hassan to the position.
By Donal MacNamee

Chris Morash Steps Down as Vice-Provost

Provost Prendergast has proposed that Prof Jürgen Barkhoff’s replace Morash.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

Sodexo to Take Over Science Gallery Café

The multinational catering provider, which runs the Perch in the Arts Block, will open the new restaurant on Tuesday.
By Orla Murnaghan

Ireland’s New Technological University Elects First-Ever Union Officers

TUDSU will elect new officers to serve DIT, IT Tallaght and IT Blanchardstown, as part of newly amalgamated students' union.
By Jack Synnott

Taoiseach Rules Out Fee Increase and Student Loan Scheme in Surprise Move

Taoiseach Leo Varadakar said he was 'reluctant to see student contributions being raised'.
By Cormac Watson