
DIT Students Push Back Against Cuts to Services
DITSU has launched a campaign against cuts to student services after understaffing prompted the reduction of library opening hours.

DCUSU Fights Against Student’s Deportation
DCUSU has launched a petition asking for Shepherd Machaya's deportation order to be revoked.

Trinity’s Kevin Mitchell to Launch Book
‘Innate’ delves into how our brains are wired.

DCU Societies Condemn Students’ Union Officer’s Inaction at Inappropriate EGM
The societies accused Karl McGovern, a DCUSU officer, of not intervening at the Accounting & Finance society meeting.

Proposal for a Pedestrianised College Green Rejected
Trinity had previously expressed concerns about increased footfall and access to campus but 'broadly' supported the plan.

At Higher Education Town Hall, Students at Cross Purposes
TCDSU held a town hall this evening to gauge students’ views on the campaign for higher education funding.

Queens Students Protest Against Israeli Ambassador
Queens University Belfast Students' Union blocked the entrance to where Israeli ambassador Mark Regev was supposed to speak.

At Leinster House, Students Rally for Climate Change
Around 200 activists gathered outside the Dáil this afternoon to protest against government inaction on the global warming crisis.

Trinity Lecturer Leads Europe-Wide Child Healthcare Research
Dr Maria Brenner headed up a research team that developed the first-ever principles for treating children with complex care needs.

Ireland’s Universities Appeal for Public Support of Higher Education Funding
The Save Our Spark campaign will call on members of the public to sign a petition to protect third-level education.