
Young People Want Government Action on Sustainability, Says New Report
Minister for European Affairs Helen McEntee and Senator Lynn Ruane launched the report.

Áthas agus Aoibhneas do Bhuaiteoirí an Chomórtais ‘Aistritheoirí Óga’
Bhronn an tAire Stáit sa Roinn Chultúir, Oidhreachta, agus Gaeltachta, Joe McHugh, duaiseanna do bhuaiteoirí an chéad chomórtais aistritheoireachta do Ghaelscoileanna na tíre.

Literary Heavyweights Launch Centre for Literary Translation
Marie Heaney and John Banville joined Provost Patrick Prendergast to launch the new centre.

Trinity Trials Online Democracy with Plastic-Free Poll
As part of a new project, students will be asked where Trinity should focus its efforts to make Trinity plastic-free.

USI Joins European Postgraduate Organisation
The GSU praised the union's membership of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers.

Pigeons Cause a Flap in Berkeley
Students were forced to confront a trio of errant pigeons in the Berkeley today.

TCDSU Launches Canvassing Campaign
The union said 2,000 leaflets were handed out today.

Trinity Scientists Make Step Forward in HIV Research
The new discovery offers hope to those suffering from the disease.

DCU Dáil Protest Disappoints, as Shanowen Shakedown Falters
There was a low turnout today, as DCUSU students gathered to show their anger at rent hikes.

TCDSU’s Tech Repairs Shop Safe, Despite Entering Liquidation
The union said it would be re-branding the House Six computer repair clinic.