

Seanad Approval Clears Way for Technological Universities

The bill will now be signed into law following its passage through the Seanad last night.
By Kathleen McNamee

Gogoal Falia elected GSU Vice-President

Falia beat Jamie Farrell to secure the role.
By Jack Synnott

Oisín Coulter Elected President of GSU

Coulter ran uncontested in the election.
By Jack Synnott

GSU Secures Its Financial Future

An increase in Capitations Committee funding will allow the union to retain its vice-president.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

As Students Protest, Trinity Remains Defiant in Fee Defence

Vice-Provost Chris Morash told students again today that the new fee is part of a fairer system.
By Dominic McGrath and Aisling Marren

Students Target Tourism, in Supplemental Fees Protest

Protesters picketed outside the Book of Kells and Front Arch.
By Aisling Marren

Government to Set Out ‘Quantum Leap’ Abortion Reform

Today, the Dáil will debate what legislation might look like after a repeal referendum.
By Dominic McGrath

University College Cork Votes to Remain in USI

Voters in UCCSU chose overwhelmingly to remain in the national union.
By Kathleen McNamee

Students Join 8,000 on Dublin’s Streets, Promising to Fight on for Repeal

Speakers called on the crowd to fight for repeal, in the campaign's final few months.
By Dominic McGrath and Blaithin Wilson

Across the Country, Students Rally for Repeal

In Belfast, Waterford and beyond, students are making their voices heard for International Women’s Day.
By Kathleen McNamee