
Double College Fees, Says Outgoing NUIG President
Dr Jim Browne said the increase would be supported by a loan scheme system.

600 Disadvantaged Students to Benefit From New Bursary
Recipients of the 1916 Bursary, which was announced in the Budget, will receive €5,000 per year to finance their studies.

USI Condemns Avoca’s Links to Direct Provision in Christmas Protest
The national union is calling for Avoca’s parent company to improve the food it provides in direct provision centres and an end to direct provision.

Trinity Sport ‘Lookbook’ Faces Mockery Online
Some photos have now been removed from the online brochure.

USI to Buy €320,000 Inchicore Property
This is the first time the national union will own, rather than rent, office space.

Oireachtas Committee Calls for Rational and Factual Debate on the Eighth Amendment
The committee's much anticipated report called for significant reforms of abortion law in Ireland.

Queen’s University Belfast to Join Controversial Teaching Framework
QUBSU's president said the vote was 'disappointing'.

USI to Protest Against Avoca’s Links to Direct Provision
Avoca is owned by Aramark, which provides food to direct provision centres.

Men Outnumber Women in Senior Students’ Union Positions
Only three female students' union presidents over the last three years across eight of Ireland's largest colleges.

Only 18 Students Skipped Trinity’s Fire Safety Talk
Only four students failed to seek permission to miss the compulsory talk.