33% Increase in First-Class Degrees Awarded Between 2012 and 2015
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences dominated the proportion of firsts awarded over the last three years, awarding 173 first-class degrees in 2014/15.
New Education Action Plan Confirms 2018 as Target for New Funding Model
Following comments from the Minister for Education in November, the new action plan sets the 2018 Budget as the timeline for a new funding model.
Senators to Introduce New Bill After Trinity Lecturer’s Discrimination Case Fails
David Parris, a former Trinity lecturer, sued Trinity in the European Court of Justice for discrimination against his sexuality and age.
Lloyd Building Refurbishment to Make Way for New Brain Institute
Trinity has applied for planning permission to remodel part of the ground floor of the Lloyd Building in order to accommodate the new Global Brain Health Institute.
€3,900 Granted to USI for Campaign Supporting Refugee Integration in Third Level
The nationwide campaign will work to make college campuses a more inclusive and welcoming place for refugees.
With MCD, Trinity to host Series of Summer Concerts in July
College Park is to play host to acts including Pixies, alt-j and Two Door Cinema Club, with tickets starting at €44.05.
Trinity’s First Full-Scale Fundraising Campaign to Launch in 2018
Trinity is looking to increase the amount of philanthropic donations it receives with the future nature of state funding still unclear.
Following Deprioritisation, Cunningham House Accommodation Redevelopment to be Reassessed
If approval is given, up to 400 beds could be delivered on the Trinity Hall site by 2020.
Trinity Scientist Opens Lab to Scientists Stranded by Trump’s Ban on Immigration
Irish scientists, including one in Trinity, have signed their name to a list volunteering their facilities to US-based researchers stuck outside the US.
College to Meet Unions Over Promotions Policy in February
Industrial action is one of the options being considered by unions as Trinity ends permanent contracts for service staff.