New commitments will see a Student Housing Officer and additional 7,000 places.
By Sinéad Baker and Dominic McGrath
The group was the first Irish delegation to attend last week's student-led conference, which focused on the future of divestment.
By Charlotte Ryan
New works on the Nassau St entrance are taking place, including a seating area and information ticket machines.
By Róisín Power
Dominic McGrath, the outgoing News Editor, will serve as Deputy Editor, while Charlotte Ryan, the outgoing Features Editor, will serve as Assistant Editor.
By Eleanor O'Mahony
Trinity’s groundbreaking study into alternatives admissions will continue for another year, with the changes implemented in its third year retained.
By Róisín Power
The 27 presidents of USI-affiliated unions tonight signed an open letter rejecting a proposed loan system outlined in the Cassells report.
By Sinéad Baker
Loan schemes, one of three options outlined in the higher education funding report, has been met with strong opposition from students and trade unions.
By Dominic McGrath
The higher education funding report's three options, including a loan scheme, offer few surprises.
By Sinéad Baker and Charlotte Ryan
The next twelve months will also see the replacement of the organ at a cost of €400,000, as well as the restoration of the 332 year-old organ case.
By Dominic McGrath
After years of inaction, a new focus on fixing Ireland’s housing issue has created new energy to solve the student accommodation crisis.
By Dominic McGrath and Sinéad Baker