
Trinity to Hire New Chief Executive Officer to Develop Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub
The new officer, who will receive a salary between €80,000 and €110,000, will work within the Department of Research and Innovation.

From Appealing to Starting From Scratch: What Trinity Can Do With Oisín House
The proposed accommodation development has been refused permission in its current form. What are Trinity’s options now?

Six Trinity Researchers Receive €9 million in Funding From Science Foundation Ireland
Trinity researchers made up a quarter of all awardees of €40 million to research projects across Ireland.

An Bord Pleanála Rejects Trinity’s 280-bed Oisín House Development
An Taisce appealed the planning permission for the “overscaled” €52 million accommodation project.

Trinity Researcher Awarded €150,000 by European Research Council
The latest grant makes Trinity's Prof Valeria Nicolosi the only five-time recipient of ERC funding in Ireland.

With Decisions on Funding Looming, Former Chief Executive of Royal College of Surgeons Appointed Chair of HEA
Michael Horgan has been appointed Chair of the Higher Education Authority by Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton.

Training to Begin in Early September for Students Selected as Consent Workshop Instructors
College staff will also act as facilitators at the workshops, which the Senior Tutor will help oversee.

Trinity’s Digital Student Card is Going National, With Irish Rail Onboard
The app, created by Trinity students, is looking to expand to other colleges, and new markets.

After INMO Lobbying, Fourth-Year Nursing Students Set To be Offered Permanent Hospital Contracts on Graduation
The HSE has confirmed to the union that nursing students will now receive permanent posts following graduation.

New Reports Highlight Gender Inequality in Trinity Academia
The reports reveal that women dominate in college's non-academic roles but remain a significant minority in senior academic roles.