
TCDSU Votes to Lobby to Rename the Berkeley Library
George Berkeley, after whom the Berkeley Library is named, was a slave owner.

TCDSU Votes to Back Postgraduate Workers’ Alliance
The independent campaign group is lobbying for full workers' rights for PhD students.

TCDSU Vote Against Bringing Proposed Constitution to Referendum
Several union members spoke out against the proposed constitution.

GSU Refusing to Renew Student Partnership Agreement
The agreement expired in 2019 but was not renewed due to the pandemic.

RON Campaign Launched for University Times Editor Race
The paper's current deputy editor Mairead Maguire is running uncontested for the role.

Green Week Seeks to Tackle the Planet’s ‘Broken’ Food Systems
The 20th annual Green Week was launched by Senator David Norris and others roday

Patrick Prendergast Named as TU South East’s Inaugural Chair
The Wexford native concluded his term as head of Trinity last year.

Petition Launched to Rename Berkeley Library
Philosopher George Berkeley, after whom the library is named, was a slave owner.

Trinity: Students in Counties with Red Warning Should Stay Home Tomorrow
A red weather warning has been issued for several counties, with schools and colleges in those counties being ordered to close.

Trinity COVID Committees Cease Weekly Meetings
The groups will now only meet 'as required' due to the current state of coronavirus in Ireland.