Comment & Analysis


Corporate Presence or Cultural Erosion? Navigating Ireland’s Low Tax Rates and American Influence

To gauge broader student perspectives on the issue, The University Times spoke to a number of Trinity students about America’s large corporate presence in Ireland. 
By Mia Craven

TCDSU has Always Been Political – and it Should Stay that Way

TCDSU has always been political; whether that remains the case hinges on a greater tradition - a responsiveness to its members.
By Bohuslav Vrba

Beware – the TCDSU Election has Begun

I’d recommend adding an extra five minutes to your commute to college to avoid enthusiastic students that are vying for your vote
By The Editorial Board

Tá Votáil Oscailte i gComhair Toghcáin AMLCT agus Táim Bréan de

Ní fios dúinn go fóill cad a thiocfaidh ó thaobh feachtasaíocht, stráitéis, agus todhchaí do hiarrthóirí na n-Oifigeach Shabóideach. Rachaidh timthriall na dtoghchán ar aghaidh, beidh mo jab críochnaithe, agus beidh Trinity fós ina Trinity.
By Brídín Ní Fhearraigh-Joyce and Aistritheoir: Fachtna Mac Conghail

Rule of the Few – Notes on the Student Union’s Referendum.

The referendum held about amending chapter 1.5 of the Union’s constitution wrapped up on the 8th. The resolution passed. However less than 5% of students actually voted.
By Jan Bogutyn

Don’t Let Zoom Replace the Classroom

The widespread adoption of “remote learning” takes the wrong lesson from Covid.
By Felice Basbøll

Irish Colonialism is the Best Way to Save the Irish language

A look at how language change has historically occurred, and how this can inform the Irish cause
By Tadhg Ó Néil

The Student Union’s Proposed Constitutional Amendments are Pointless

The Student Union has been in conflict with their own constitution for a while, but finally they wish to conform back to the rule of law. Ironically, by changing the law.
By Jan Bogutyn

Democracy – Where the West Went Wrong

Democracy is regarded as one of the most valuable achievements of society - and never supposed to be taken as an end goal.
By Jan Bogutyn

Irish, the Language that Just Won’t Die – as Much as the Government Wishes it Would

Adam Mac Phiaraic discusses the status of the language in the 21st Century.
By Adam Mac Phiaraic