Comment & Analysis

Go Raibh Maith Agaibh
Agus iad ag vótáil chun The University Times a shábháilt, léirigh mic léinn na Tríonóide cuibhiúlacht agus cumas chun smaointí contrártha a mheá.

With Hazing, the Dignity and Respect Policy and the Junior Dean Are Failing
Junior Dean Tim Trimble has buried his head in the sand, hoping to carry on as normal.
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Empathy Can Save the World – We Just Have to Let It
It is only through empathy for others' plight that we can bring about social change, writes Eliana Jordan.

GSU Presidential Candidates Push Diverging Visions and Experience
Gogoal Falia, Shaz Oye and Michael Sonne offer competing visions for a union that typically suffers from low engagement.

Hard Brexit ‘Vandalism’ Cannot Endanger University Links
Universities will be among the hardest hit from the effects of Brexit, writes Anton Muscatelli.

Students Will Forgive College Many Things. Adding To Exam Stress Isn’t One
College’s latest timetabling blunder makes an already stressful exam season even more difficult, says Jack Synnott.

The Romance of Dublin’s Public Transport Services
Moving to Dublin sparks a love of the city's extensive public transport systems, writes Faye Curran.

For Many Students, Dropping Out Isn’t the Challenge – It’s Staying In
Being in a course with a high dropout rate is demoralising at best and actively discouraging at worst, writes Aoife Kearins.

Meet the Brains – and Heart – Behind Trinity’s Disability Service
After 19 years as the Director of Trinity's Disability Service, Declan Treanor's fingerprints are all over campus life.