Comment & Analysis


In Commending Take Back Trinity, the Provost is Correct, Hilarious and Galling

It was in some ways inevitable that the Provost would eventually try to twist the narrative in his favour.
By The Editorial Board

Ba Chóir go dTuigeann Oifigeach Aontais Cúis na gCeardlanna Toilithe

I dtír atá fós ag streachailt lena cur chuige i leith ghnéis, caithfear oideachas a chur ar fáil do dhaoine óga ar chastacht an toilithe.

Someone Who Should Know Better Spectacularly Misses the Point of Consent Workshops

Educating young people in the intricacies of consent is a crucial task for a country that still struggles with its approach to sex.
By The Editorial Board

Ba Cheart do TCDSU Bheith Uaillmhianach leis an Ghaeilge

Tá sé go hiomlán fóirsteánach go mbeadh aontas na mac léinn in ollscoil stát-maoinithe ar fáil trí mheán phríomhtheanga oifigiúil an stáit, dar le hEoin O'Hare.
By Eoin O'Hare

It’s Not Radical For TCDSU to Be Aspirational About Irish

It’s entirely appropriate that the students’ union of a state-funded university should make itself available through the first official language of the state, writes Eoin O’Hare.
By Eoin O'Hare

The SU Cafe is a Cost Worth Keeping

TCDSU should do everything it can to preserve the SU Cafe, writes Jack Dolan.
By Jack Dolan

Caint Trumpach Anois in Úsáid i gCáineadh na Nuachtán Ollscoile

Cuireann lucht cáinte mheáin na Tríonóide fear áirithe, atá in ainm deistín a chur orainn ar fad, i gcuimhne.

The Government’s Shouting about Gender Equality Feels One-Note

Minister Mary Mitchell O'Connor is right to tackle gender disparity in academia, but her silence on other pressing issues is conspicuous, writes Ciannait Khan.
By Ciannait Khan

Even Student Newspapers Now Face Criticism Couched in Trumpian Terms

Now, even Trinity’s media critics seem to evoke the barbs of a man we are all supposedly appalled by.
By The Editorial Board

Céimithe Cógaisíochta na Tríonóide chun Obair in Aisce

Téann drochbhail na mac léinn cógaisíochta, faraor, níos faide na campas an Choláiste seo.