Comment & Analysis

Thuig an Coláiste an Téarma Chinnteacht Táille, nó Níor Thuig. Ní Maith Ceachtar Acu.
Is amaideacht nó urchóid a bhí taobh thiar den phracas a rinneadh maidir le táillí idirnáisiúnta an tseachtain seo caite.

Is Tábhachtaí Caighdeán an Oideachais ná Neamhspleáchas na nOllscoileanna.
Ní chuireann eachtraí ar nós an scéil faoi chéim iriseoireachta OÉ Gaillimh le cúis na n-ollscoileanna.

Either Trinity Knew What Fee Certainty Was, Or It Didn’t. Both Options Are Unfortunate
Last week’s international fees fiasco arose from either incompetence or insidiousness.

Before Universities Demand More Autonomy, How About They Provide Quality Education?
Incidents like that involving NUIG’s journalism programme do not help the cause of universities.

Trinity Must Do More To Tackle Ireland’s Obesity Crisis
The health of students is of paramount importance to universities. As a leader in education, Trinity needs to step up to the mark.

It Would Be Unwise for College to Underestimate Take Back Trinity Again
A sudden five per cent increase for some students surely goes against the spirit of March’s fee-certainty agreement.

Dublin’s First-Ever Trans Pride Displayed the Ferocity the Movement Needs
If Ireland’s campaign for trans rights is to grow further, Saturday’s event could serve as a blueprint.

Students’ Unions Don’t Represent All. We Should be Able to Opt Out
Liam Byrne makes the case for the freedom to disassociate from students’ unions after Young Fine Gael supported an opt-out motion.

Léiríonn Bradaíl UCDSU an Tábhacht le hObair USI
In ainneoin líon ard na mac léinn UCDSU, tá an lámh in uachtar ag an aontas náisiúnta.

Is Ceart Athbhrandáil €20,000 ULSU a Cháineadh
In áit dhul i ngleic leis na bunchúiseanna atá le neamhshuim na mac léinn, chaith Aontas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil Luimnigh na mílte ar athbhrandáil.