An #OnThisDay tweet from Trinity only served as a reminder that the Myanmar leader is on Trinity’s honorary degree rolls.
By The Editorial Board
Those in Northern Ireland can hardly be blamed for being anxious about crossing the border for their university education.
By The Editorial Board
Cuireadh cómhdháil ar maoiniú ard-oideachais i láthair i rith na seachtaine.
USI may have been hoping for the election of a GSU candidate on Friday.
By The Editorial Board
The past week saw yet another conference on the higher education funding problem.
By The Editorial Board
Fiú i dtréimhsí díomhaoine, bhí leanúnachas ag baint le cur chuige TCDSU.
Theip ar iarrachtaí an Phropaist chun na rangú a chur faoi smacht.
Even during fallow periods, there has been a consistency to TCDSU’s countenance.
By The Editorial Board
The Provost’s attempts to essentially game university rankings has fallen flat.
By The Editorial Board
The QS rankings are embarrassing for Trinity. But it's the government that should be red-faced, writes Matthew Murphy.
By Matthew Murphy