Comment & Analysis

Tá Cruthaitheacht NUIGSU i Leith na Gearchéime Lóistín le Moladh
Is loighciúil ciallmhar go bhfuil an aontas ag dul chun dlí.

An Dá Aontas Mac Léinn go Fóill ina dTost Faoi Thobac ar Champas
Níl sé míréasúnta go mbeadh ar TCDSU agus GSU seasamh mar is ceart a ghlacadh ar an cheist seo.

NUIGSU’s Tenancies Board Action is a Creative Way of Tackling the Accommodation Crisis
The decision to take legal action is a logical move by the union.

Our Campus Could Be Going Smoke Free, and Neither Union Has a Stance
It shouldn’t be too much to ask TCDSU and the GSU to form a coherent stance on Tobacco Free Trinity.

Pride is About Much More Than Parades
Roberta Rodrigues reflects on why pride is important for so many students.

The Removal of Compulsory History in Secondary School is a Tragedy for Irish Education
This September’s first-year students could leave school with next to no knowledge of history or why it’s important.

B’fhéidir gur Scrois an Breatimeacht Mianta Uile-oileán na Tríonóide
Ní féidir an locht a leagadh orthu siúd i dTuaisceart Éireann a bhfuil imníoch faoin teorainn ag cur isteach ar a n-oideachas.

Ba Cheart go Atháireodh an Tríonóid Céim Oinigh Aung San Suu Kyi
Chuir gíog #ArAnLáSeo ón Tríonóid i gcuimhne don phobal go bhfuil an ceannaire Maenmaire ar rolla céime oinigh na Tríonóide

It’s Time for Trinity to Reconsider Aung San Suu Kyi’s Honorary Degree
An #OnThisDay tweet from Trinity only served as a reminder that the Myanmar leader is on Trinity’s honorary degree rolls.

Already, Brexit May Have Derailed Trinity’s All-Island Ambitions
Those in Northern Ireland can hardly be blamed for being anxious about crossing the border for their university education.