Comment & Analysis

From Protesting for Fun to Protesting for My Life
Jordanne Jones calls on Ireland to leave behind misogyny and trust women.

Why the Pro-Choice Side Can’t Promise Low Abortion Rates
Hazel Bergin and Ciara O'Rourke question whether pro-choice claims about abortion rates add up.

An bhfuil rud ar bith ag éirí go maith leis an Tionscnamh Oideachais na Tríonóide?
Chruthaigh gníomhaíochtaí seafóideacha na Tríonóide fadhbanna níosa measa ná a bheifeá ag tnúth leis.

An Líne Caol Idir Áitiú agus Duine a Theilgean Amach
Is tábhachtach go gcuimhneoimis an chaoi go mbuaitear reifreann agus an chaoi go gcailltear iad.

Is Any Part of the Trinity Education Project Going Well?
Trinity’s high-handed approach has led to more than simple teething problems.

The Thin Line Between Persuasion and Casting Someone Out
It’s important to remind ourselves how referendums are won and lost.

Why I’m Supporting Repeal from Scotland
Human rights have no borders, writes former leader of Scottish Labour Kezia Dugdale .

A Crackdown on Tours is One Commercial Revenue Move to Support
We should welcome a strategy that ensures visitors are paying their way.

Accommodation Changes a Lousy Surprise for Students
Applicants should have been told that rooms for final-year students would be randomly assigned.

Growing a Greener Ireland
Young people today are a 'transition generation' who must tackle climate change head on, writes Denis Naughten.