Comment & Analysis


Ní Tír Bunoscionn í an Tríonóid, Ach Tá Sí Gar Di

Ní gá dóibh siúd atá ag iarradh fearg na mac léinn a thuiscint ach breathnaigh ar maorlathas mímhacánta na Tríonóide.

Tóg an Tríonóid Ar Ais, Smál ar Oidhreacht an Phropaist

Is íosphointe i sealbhaíocht oifige Patrick Prendergast iad na hagóidí ón mí seo caite.

Trinity Isn’t Upside-Down Land, But It’s Close

Those trying to understand student anger need look no further than Trinity’s insidious bureaucracy.
By The Editorial Board

For Take Back Trinity, A Mark on the Provost’s Legacy

The protests of the past month are a low point of Patrick Prendergast’s tenure.
By The Editorial Board
Editorial Notebook

UCDSU Elections, Academic Senate, Two Referendums

By The Editorial Board

Lynn Scarff is Forging a New Way Between Arts and Science

The Science Gallery's outgoing director has brought an enthusiasm and energy to exhibition after exhibition.
By Jake O'Donnell

Does Veganism Mean Victory?

The creation of a vegan society is a telling sign of the changing place of veganism in our society, writes Ciannait Khan.
By Ciannait Khan

After a Shaky Start, TCDSU’s Academic Senate Looks to the Future

The academic senate has plenty of positives to take into next year.
By Dominic McGrath

The Opt-Out Referendum is a Matter of Basic Rights

TCDSU is valuable for students, but so is students' freedom to choose, writes James Martin.
By James Martin

A Palestine Referendum Creates a Fork in the Road for TCDSU

During TCDSU elections, candidates called for a more local union. Now, students have a chance to decide where the union's focus should lie.
By Matthew Murphy