Comment & Analysis

The Heady Few Days When Students Held Power
It was heartening to see the Take Back Trinity campaign look beyond the battle against supplemental exam fees.

Ag Aistriú na Feirge ón Triail i mBéal Feirste go Gníomhaíocht Pholaitiúil
Má mhúscail an cinneadh ar Dé Céadaoin cuthach ionat, déan cinnte go n-athraíonn an córas.

Editorial Notebook
A Chaotic TCDSU Council, Trinity Ball Sniffer Dogs, NUS Anger

Turning Belfast Rape Trial Anger into Political Action
If Wednesday’s verdict provoked fury in you, make it your mission to change the system.

After Ascough, UCDSU is Still Rebuilding
Tonight's election will be a test of the union's health, after a protracted, difficult year.

In the Wake of Today’s Trial, Consider Those Around You
Be considerate to those around you as sexual assault is more common than you would think.

Supplemental Fees Brought Student Activism to Life. Don’t Let it Die
Today is a huge victory for students. But the battle isn't over, writes Matthew Murphy.

Driving Myself Around the Bend
Learning to drive can be perilous, writes Nessa Boland.

Ní Tír Bunoscionn í an Tríonóid, Ach Tá Sí Gar Di
Ní gá dóibh siúd atá ag iarradh fearg na mac léinn a thuiscint ach breathnaigh ar maorlathas mímhacánta na Tríonóide.

Tóg an Tríonóid Ar Ais, Smál ar Oidhreacht an Phropaist
Is íosphointe i sealbhaíocht oifige Patrick Prendergast iad na hagóidí ón mí seo caite.