Comment & Analysis

A Palestine Referendum Creates a Fork in the Road for TCDSU
During TCDSU elections, candidates called for a more local union. Now, students have a chance to decide where the union's focus should lie.

Boycotting Israel Puts Trinity on the Right Side of History
The College's current position on Israel runs contradictory to its long record of anti-apartheid values, argues Patrick O'Donoghue.

‘Tóg an Tríonóid ar ais’, an Seanrá Nach Bhfuil an Coláiste In Ann Neamhaird a Dhéanamh De
Is coláiste é seo atá tar éis ollscoil a díol nach n-aithníonn an chuid is mó de mhac léinn rófhada.

Ar na ‘Moltaí Malartacha’ do Táillí Athscrúduithe
Ní dhealraíonn sé go bhfuil cúis maith ann go gcaithfidh an Tionscnamh Oideachais na Tríonóide a bheith costas-neodrach le gach casadh.

On the ‘Alternative Proposals’ to Supplemental Exam Fees
There seems to be no good reason why the Trinity Education Project should have to be cost neutral at every turn.

‘Take Back Trinity’, the Maxim College Can No Longer Ignore
For too long, Trinity has been selling a university most students scarcely recognise.

Editorial Notebook
Provost’s Expenses, Mistimed Referendums, Majority Male JCR

Students Aren’t Snowflakes. They’re Fearless
Take Back Trinity was a welcome attack on commercialisation in our universities, writes Dr Daragh Downes.

‘Yes’ agus ‘No’: An Dúshlán Aistriúcháin An Reifrinn
Gan aistriúchán díreach ar na focail dearfach agus diúltach, is rud deacair é reifrinn a aistriú go Gaeilge.

Why Trinity Collidge is Key to the Supplemental Fees Campaign
Michael McDermott’s page has become a cradle for humorous – and politically useful – memes in the course of recent protests.