Comment & Analysis

There’s No Time to Lose. Let’s Stand Together for Yes
Annie Hoey urges people to get out there and campaign for the repeal of the eighth amendment.

Arabella Bishop is Shaping the Irish Art Scene
With her wit and charm, Bishop is a perfect ambassador for the Irish art scene.

Repeal Referendum is a One-Time Opportunity
Securing a referendum on the eighth amendment has been long and arduous. Let's not take it for granted, writes Brendan Howlin.

Is Dócha go gCiallaíonn Oifigeach Iarchéimithe Nua go bhfuil Gluaiseacht na Mac Léinn ag Éisteacht Faoi Dheireadh
Chuir an tóir ar oifeadhach náisiúnta iarchéimithe USI ceisteanna na iarchéimithe i mbéal an phobail faoi dheireadh.

Tá Réiteach Idirnáisiúnta Aimsithe ag an Trionóid d’Fhadhb Náisiúnta
Is foinse maoine mhaith iad mic léinn idirnáisiúnta, in ainneoin nach n-oireann seo do champas an choláiste ó am go céile.

Trinity is Keeping Faith in an International Solution to a National Problem
International students remain a lucrative source of funding for College, even if the pressing realities of a city centre campus sometimes get in the way.

A New Postgraduate Officer Suggests the Student Movement is Finally Listening
Calls for a national USI postgraduate officer have finally put postgraduate issues on the map.

Ní Féidir an Ghaeilge a Chur as an Áireamh sa Tóir ar Phost
Tá i bhfad níos mó poist á fhogairt anois le riachtanas Ghaeilge.

Trust Young People With the Truth About Drugs
Let's talk more about drugs. It's the only way to really sort fact from fiction, writes Ciannait Khan.

To Transform Society, We Must Defend Our Education
Free third-level education isn't a drain on society. Compared to tax evasion, it's a drop in the ocean, writes Paul Murphy.