Comment & Analysis

Preferendum Draws Passionate, if Muted, Response at Hustings
The presence of only one campaign manager meant the supplemental fees preferendum was skirted over quickly at hustings.

Slow Start, as Campaign Teams Find Their Feet
All candidates emphasised the strength of their campaigns today, seeking to gain an edge on the first day of campaigning proper.

Measure of a Meme: Three Candidates’ Pages, Reviewed
Creator of 'Ireland Simpsons Fans' Jack Leahy gives his take on the meme pages of Michael McDermott, Niall Harty and Cian Rynne.

A Growing Tradition: The Importance of Green Week
Alex Tone argues that Green Week represents an opportunity to cast aside preconceptions and embrace greener living.

Who’s Running in the TCDSU Elections?

Few Shocks or Surprises, as Presidential Candidates Set Out Stalls
There were few missteps as candidates survived the first hustings on the Dining Hall steps.

TCDSU Elections Explained
Your one-stop guide to this year's campaign period.

Is Rud Onórach É a Bheith Rannpháirteach i dToghcháin TCDSU
Beidh tionchar ag ionadaí mic léinn a toghfar ar cúrsaí an choláiste agus cúrsaí níos leithne.

D’fhulaingeodh Mic Léinn Mar Gheall ar na Athruithe Scrúdaithe Molta
Caithfidh Tríonóid cinneadh a dhéanamh: An bhfuil Tionscnamh Oideachais na Tríonóide (TEP) níos luachmhaire ná a mic léinn?