Comment & Analysis


Níl gá le Creat Múinteoireachta in Éirinn a scoilt an t-ardoideachas sa Bhreatain

Leis na fadhbanna atá ós ár gcomhair san ardoideachas in Éirinn, níl sé soileir céard atá beartaithe leis an gcreat seo a dheigil acadúlaithe sa Bhreatain.

Ireland Does Not Need a Teaching Framework that has Divided UK Higher Education

When the issues facing Irish higher education are apparent, it’s unclear what a framework that has divided academics in the UK is meant to achieve.
By The Editorial Board

Stuck in Dublin for the Summer? Make the Most of it

Anna McNamara Taylor argues that anyone stuck in Dublin should use the long summer to upskill.
By Anna McNamara Taylor

Ba Cheart go mBeidh Dréim ag an Earnáil Triú Léibhéal le Níos mó Rialacháin, Seachas Níos lú

Tá neamhaird tugtha ar argóintí ar son scéimeanna iasachtaíochta ó na hinstitiúdí triú léibhéal agus iad ag súil le níos mó fhéinriail, de réir cosúlachta.

The Third-Level Sector Should Expect More Regulation, Not Less

Fervent arguments for loan schemes in the hopes of more autonomy now seem little more than foolhardy.
By The Editorial Board

Too Few Solutions for Colleges and Students in Government Accommodation Plan

It makes the right noises, but the plan comes too late for a sector that has learnt to cope without state help.
By The Editorial Board

Limiting Choice Isn’t “Extremist”. We Want to Protect All Lives Equally

Three Trinity students argue that pro-life views are consistent with a progressive approach to human rights.

Tá Fasach Áisféiseach ann anois le hUmhlaíocht an Rialtais i leith na bhFostóirí de bharr an Tobhaigh Pinsin

Ní bhonn é méadú íseal ar thobhach reatha do chinéal lútáil, rud a chiallaíonn go mbeadh tionchar ollmhór ag na fostóirí ar thodchaí an oideachais in Éirinn.

Leis na Míthapaí a bhí ag Páirtí an Lucht Oibre ó thaobh an tArdoideachais de, is Mór an Crá atá i gceist le rún an Pháirtí sa tSeanad

Tar éis cúig bliana mar chuid den rialtas, ní dhéanann rún éadóchasach an phairtí sa tSeanad mórán chun aspalóid a fháil dóibh ina bpeacaí.

Government’s Kowtowing to Employers in Response to Education Levy Sets a Risible Precedent

A minor increase in an already-existing levy is no justification for a kind of pandering that could see employers have a great degree of influence on the future of education in Ireland.
By The Editorial Board