Comment & Analysis

Academics and the Freedom to Express Controversial Opinions
Dr David Landy argues, in light of Trinity's upcoming conference on academic freedom, that it is universities' duty to discuss and shed light on controversial topics.

Agus Sluaite ag Dul ar Imirce, Ní Mór an t-Ionadh atá i bhFaillí an HSE
Níl ach sampla eile den éagóir a dhéantar do mhic léinn, altraí agus cnáimhsigh i bhfaillí an HSE mic léinn a mhealladh le todhchaí in Éirinn.

After Years of Reports, HSE Failings with Student Nurses and Midwives is Unsurprising
That the HSE is failing to entice students to remain in Ireland is just another example of Ireland’s students, nurses and midwives being let down.

A Year in Halls: Friends, Memories and Stories that will Endure
A farewell ode to Trinity Hall, from its vomit-laced sinks to its community and camaraderie.

This as a New Beginning for Science
Trinity's Professor of Biochemistry on what drove a normally laboratory-bound community on to the streets in support of science.

The Role Students Will Play in the Next Stage in the Abortion Rights Campaign
Annie Hoey, President of USI, writes that students must be ready to campaign following the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly.

Treisíonn Cinneadh Tionól Saoránach Tábhacht na Saineolaithe sa Díospóireacht Aisghairme
Ar dheireadh seachtaine ina mháirseáil mílte daoine ar fud an domhain chun fíricí a chosaint, ní féidir linn dearmad a dhéanamh ar luach na saineolaithe sa díospóireacht aisghairme.

Citizens’ Assembly Decision Indicates the Value of Experts in the Repeal Debate
On the same weekend thousands around the world marched to defend facts, we can’t forget the value of experts in the repeal debate.

Baintear an Bhonn ó Dheighilt idir Mic Léinn agus Stát le hÉileamh ar Chuideachtaí Oideachas a Mhaoiniú
Tá tobhaigh ar fhostóirí agus cánacha ar bhrabúis ag iontráil sa lárshruth mar bhealach inghlactha chun ardoideachas a mhaoiniú.

Calls for Corporations to Fund Education Shows the Old Student Versus State Mentality is Being Eroded
Taxes on profits and employer levies are entering the mainstream as an acceptable way to fund higher education.