Comment & Analysis

The Timely Reform of Irish Arts Degrees
UCD and Maynooth University are planning to reform their arts degree programmes. The aim? To give arts students the skills they're often mocked for not having.

Our Approach to Obesity Needs to be More Compassionate
Dr Francis Finucane, a consultant endocrinologist in Galway University Hospitals and honorary senior lecturer in NUI Galway, argues for a different treatment of obesity.

Extending Voting Rights to 16 and 17-Year-Olds Should Not be Swept Under the Carpet
A system whereby an individual is considered to be mature enough to pay tax but too immature to vote on issues that influence taxation seems contradictory.

Smaoineamh Fiúntach atá i dTréimhse a Chaitheamh sa Ghaeltacht um tSamhraidh
Ní hamháin do dhaltaí atá ag staidéar don Ardteistiméireacht atá inti, a áitíonn Philip McGuinness.

Taking a Break From University Should Not be Viewed as a Personal Failure
Ellen Orchard argues that deciding to take a break from university needn’t always be viewed as a negative experience or feel like a personal failure.

Nochtann an chonspóid faoi Keane agus Iosrael Tábhacht an Difríocht idir Creidimh agus Ionadaíocht a Aithint
Is inmholta an iarracht ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar son mac léinn, ach tá sé seo níos deacra do ról an uachtaráin ná poist eile. Is gá smaoineamh go géar ar ghealltanais feachtais.

Keane and Israel Motion Controversy Shows the Need to Navigate Between Beliefs and Representation
Wanting to represent all students is admirable, but harder with the presidential position than others. A lot of consideration needs to go into promises.

Áit Níos Boichte, agus le Níos Lú Liobrálachais a Bheadh in Éirinn Aontais na Mac Léinn Neamhspleácha
Bhí ról riachtanach ag mic léinn i bhfeachtais, aisghairm agus comhionannas pósta ina measc. Bagraíonn sáruithe na féinrialach sin an tionchar atá acu.

An Ireland Without Independent Students’ Unions Would be a Poorer, Less Liberal Place
Students have been vital in campaigns like marriage equality and repeal. Encroachments on autonomy threaten to end that impact.

The Student Movement’s Renewed Commitment to the Irish Language
USI voting to introduce a full-time, paid vice-president for the Irish language is another symbol of students renewed commitment to seeing the language flourish.