Comment & Analysis

Polaiteorí Scaipthe ar fud an domhain do Lá Fhéile Phádraig: An Fiú É?
Agus airí ag tabhairt cuairte ar chuile cearn den domhan, cuireann Philip McGuinness ceist maidir leis an tairbhe atá ag baint leis an traidisiún taidhleoireachta sin.

Why Students Should Embrace the Easy Life
Shane Kenneally on why we should embrace the formative years, even if they lack direction.

There’s Only One Course of Action for Students as Staff Strike
Kevin Donoghue argues that the cause of Trinity's staff should always receive the support of students.

Solving Irish Unity is Puzzling, Contested and Complex. A Referendum Won’t Provide Any Answers
It's unclear why we think a hasty referendum, following Britain's misguided referendum on EU membership, is going to deliver a clearer answer.

Spending 24 Hours in a Wheelchair Proved Trinity is Not Accessible
Taking part in today's 24-hour wheelchair challenge proved how difficult Trinity is to navigate, and how 'accessibility' needs to be more than a buzzword.

Discussion on Irish Unity Must be More Practical and Less Abstract
Stephen O'Neill argues that students should embrace the complexities of a united Ireland and vote to mandate TCDSU to support it.

It’s After Years of Frustration That We’ve Voted to Take Industrial Action
Jack McGinley, President of SIPTU's Education Sector, on why the union's Trinity branch has voted to take the first strike action in the College since the 1990s.

When Voting, Students Should Focus on College Unity Rather than Irish Unity
With students getting ready to vote, Simon Foy argues that the decision is not about Irish unity but whether or not we want an inclusive campus that allows for a diversity of views.

Patuar agus Dícheangal in UCD mar chúis le Toradh Toghcháin Frithiomasach
Vótáil mic léinn do Uachtarán atá i gcoinne na n-athruithe sóisialta is mó lena thacaigh siad.

Apathy and Disengagement in UCD Behind Counterintuitive Election Result
Students voted for a President who is at odds on the biggest social issues that they have voted to support.