Comment & Analysis

Bacfaidh Constaicí Institiúideacha an Feachtas chun an t-Ochtú Leasú a Aisghairm tar éis Rátha na Máirseála
Tar éis aird a thiomsú go leanúnach roimh an máirseáil le linn na seachtaine, beidh dúshlán roimh lucht an fheachtais agus iad ag iarraidh móiminteam a bhuanú le linn tréimhse idirbheartaíochta an rialtais.

Following a Strong Demonstration Institutional Obstacles will Impede Campaign to Repeal the Eighth
After building towards the march that took place this week, campaigners will have to face the challenge of maintaining momentum throughout lengthy government talks.

Compromising Childhood Dreams for a Stable Career
The struggle between choosing between your passions and a steady, future career path.

The Merits of Doing a Dissertation
James Shaw discusses Trinity’s unique position of offering undergraduates the chance to do a dissertation and outlines what students can expect from the experience.

On International Women’s Day, Leading Trinity Figures on Empowerment in College and Beyond
Leading women in Trinity on working hard, standing up for what they believe in and empowering the next generation.

The Repeal Campaign Must be Less Polarising and More Open to Discussion
With last week's Irish Times poll showing that the Irish electorate are some way off supporting repealing the eighth, Isla Hoe outlines ways in which the repeal campaign could resonate with a wider audience.

B’fhéidir go bhfuil Ról Lárnach ag Gnéithe Uathúla Oideachais na Tríonóide do Thabhartais
Tugann an fianaise go bhfuil tabhartais ag leibhéal níos airde anseo ná mar atá siad in ollscoileanna na Ríochta Aontaithe go bhfuil ár gcéimithe difrúil ar bhealach éigin.

Unique Characteristics of Trinity Education Could be the Key to Alumni Funding
The finding that donations proportionally exceed those of UK universities suggest Trinity is doing something right in attracting philanthropy.

Tá Tuaisceart Éireann Chasta agus Dothuartha. Ba Cheart go n-Aithneodh Ár Reifreann É Seo
Ba cheart go gcuirfeadh an toghchán sa Tuaisceart inár gcuimhne nach bhfuil freagraí simplí ar cheisteanna faoi staid bhunreachtúil an stáit.

Northern Ireland is Complex and Unpredictable. Our Preferendum Should Recognise This
The North’s election should provide a reminder to students that there are no easy answers to the state’s constitutional position.