Comment & Analysis

Ritalin Use Stems from a Pressure to Succeed
James Shaw discusses the use and abuse of ritalin by college students desperate for success.

Baol ann go gCruthóidh na Gaotha Chinn a Mhúchann Ardoideachas na hÉireann Dochar Fadtéarmach
Is meabhrúchán dúinn atá i dtuairisc nua gur leasúchán maoinithe ardoideachais an réiteach amháin le fíor-fhadhbanna práinneacha.

The Headwinds Facing Irish Higher Education Risk Long-term Damage
A new report reminds us that higher education funding reform is the only solution to very real and very urgent problems.

Tá Maoiniú Inbhuanaithe agus Rannpháirtíocht Mac Léinn Comhionann maidir lena dTábhacht do Leasúchán
Is gá tús a chur le léirshamhail chomhpháirtíochta don ard-oideachas trí chóras inbhuanaithe maoinithe poiblí.

Student Partnership and Sustainable Funding are Equally Important for Higher Education Reform
A partnership model for higher education needs to start with a sustainable system of public funding.

Students Need Places to Eat Their Own Food Before Places to Start a Business
Trinity has a reputation of poor spatial provision, and, despite recent developments, basic student spaces remain absent.

The Trinity Professor Bringing Theology to the Streets of Dublin
Professor Siobhán Garrigan, the Chair of Catholic Theology in the School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology, talks about how helping the homeless taught her more about theology and religion.

Ticking “No Religion” on the Census Could Lead to Much-Needed Change
Simon Foy argues that the declining influence of the Church in Irish society deserves to be reflected in the upcoming census.

Call for a Third Graduate Students’ Union Sabbat Raises Questions About Representation
With the GSU’s council voting to seek funding for a third full-time officer, it must be asked if more representation equals better representation.

Cuireann Éileamh le haghaidh Tríú Oifigeach Sabóideach Aontais na n-Iarchéimithe chun solas Ceisteanna faoi Ionadaíochta
Agus Comhairle Aontais na n-Iarchéimithe ag vótáil chun an t-airgead a lorg le haghaidh tríú oifigigh lán-aimseartha, is gá ceist a chur an ionann níos mó ionadaíochta agus ionadaíocht níos fearr.