Comment & Analysis

An Irish Sugar Tax Could Tackle Health Concerns
The Irish government needs to listen to public calls for restrictive measures on sugared drinks.

Is Gá don Choláiste Cluais Éisteachta a Thabhairt do Cháinntí maidir le Raon Tionanta, agus Iad a Thabhairt san Áireamh
Le maoniú de €16 milliún tugtha do phostanna earcaithe faoin gcóras, tá cuma ar an scéal nach bhfuil an Coláiste tar éis dul i ngleic leis na hargóintí sa phróiseas comhairliúcháin.

Le Cáineadh Athnuaite Maidir le Cothromaíocht Inscne i Saol Acadúil na Tíre, Tá an Deis ag an gColáiste Ceannasaíocht a Ghlacadh
I ndiaidh na gcáintí le déanaí maidir le eagothroime institúide i saol acadúil na tíre, ba cheart don Choláiste díriú le cur leis an dul chun cinn atá ar siúl.

Trinity Has the Chance to Become a National Leader in Addressing Gender Inequality in Academia
In light of recent criticisms of institutional inequality, Trinity should work to improve on its recent success.

Trinity Needs to Listen to Tenure Track Criticisms and Include Them in Consultation
With €16 million in funding given to posts being hired under the model, it looks like Trinity may not have engaged with the arguments in its consultation process.

At Missouri, Students are Mad as Hell. What Can We Learn from Them?
Colm O’Donnell looks at student protests in Missouri University – which have resulted in the resignation of its president.

Trinity as a Saving Grace for Dublin’s Aesthetic
In a city in aesthetic decline, the historic beauty of historic sites like Trinity provide a model for the rest of the capital.

Discussing Consent in University Shouldn’t be an Opt-out Matter
Paul Glynn argues that in order for all students to be able to live in a safe and enjoyable environment, we cannot make exceptions in who should be educated about sexual consent and harassment.

Discontinuing the Study of Irish would be a Profound Loss
A decline in demand should not lead to the end of the academic pursuit of Irish.

Old, Lonely People are Not Just for Christmas
Paige Reynolds argues that the John Lewis ad glamorises loneliness, while offering no real solutions.