Comment & Analysis
For a Budget Built to Win Votes, the Government Didn’t Even Count Students
If we have increased “political capital”, why was the only thing benefitting students a vague commitment to increase money to the student assistance fund?

I mBuiséad a Bhí Bunaithe ar Vótaí a Bhuachaint, Níor Thóg an Rialtas na Mic Léinn San Áireamh
Más fíor go bhfuil "caipiteal polaitíochta" méadaithe againn, cén fáth gurb é an t-aon ní sa bhuiséad a chabhróidh le mic léinn ná geall doiléir le airgead a chaitheamh ar Chiste Cúnaimh na Mac Léinn?

Repealing the Eighth Amendment is Both a Student and a Social Issue
The current situation for those seeking abortions is not just a social issue, but explicitly affects and discriminates against the student population.

Cá bhfuil na Gaeilgeoirí?
Le níos mó scoláirí ná riamh le hard-chaighdeán Ghaeilge ag freastail ar Choláiste na Tríonóide, is gá dúinn an cumas teanga seo, faoi cheilt ag na mic léinn inár measc, a nochtú agus a fhorbairt.

For A Non-EU Student With Mental Health Issues, Trinity’s Administration Remains Inflexible
Legacy problems with Erasmus and an inflexible administration leave some students trapped.

The Woman Leading the Library Into the Future
Hugh Mitchell profiles Head Librarian, Helen Shenton, and discusses how her influence will revamp the College’s library system.

For Trinity Library, a Digital Strategy is Ahead of its Time
Aisling Curtis says that the library's new five-year strategic plan is a step in the right direction but cautions against complacency.

It’s Not Clear that Tenure Track will Help Women
Prof Pat O'Connor, a member of the HEA Gender Equality panel, argues that the new tenure track system could hinder career progression for women.

Sensationalisation by the Media is Deeply Irresponsible
Far too often, the media gives murderers a platform that they shouldn't have.

Little is to be Gained from Leaving a Students’ Union
The Editorial Board considers the right to leave a students’ union, and whether this is an important right to uphold.