Comment & Analysis

Pandemic or Not, You Don’t Have to Be at Rock Bottom to Seek Help
Too many people struggling with their mental health don’t reach out for support because they believe their problems ‘aren’t big enough’, writes Alex Connolly.

Caithfear Leanúint Leis an Troid ar son Altraí agus Cnáimhseacha atá Faoi Oiliúnt
D’fhógair an rialtas an tseachtain seo go mbeidh siad ag tarraingt mac léinn agus cnáimhseacha atá faoi oiliúnt ó shocrúchán.

Ní Mór don Tríonóid a Stair a Aithint Maidir le hÁrais Mháithreacha agus Leanaí
D’éascaigh agus ghlac iar-léachtóir na Tríonóide – Dr Victoria Coffey – páirt i dtrialacha vacsaíne mí-eiticiúla sna hárais mháithreacha agus leanaí sna 1960dí.

Schols Quota Debacle: The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing
It is a disgrace that students who strive for Schols will be refused the award on account of the College prioritising money over students, writes Ryan Alberto Ó Giobúin.

The Fight for Student Nurses and Midwives’s Pay Must Continue
The government this week announced that they would be pulling student nurses and midwives from placement.

Trinity Must Join the Conversation About Mother and Baby Homes
A former Trinity lecturer – Dr Victoria Coffey – facilitated and took part in unethical vaccine trials in mother and baby homes during the 1960s.

Tá gá le Breis Maoiniúcháin Rialtais d’Áiteanna Breise sna hOllscoileanna
D’fhógair an t-Aire Ardoideachais Simon Harris an tseachtain seo go bhfanfaidh na mílte áiteanna breise ar fáil do choláistí.

Is Léiriú é Clár Cambridge ar Obair na Tríonóide
Tá cláir rochtana spreagtha ag TAP tar éis a bhealach a dhéanamh chuig Oxford agus Cambridge.

The Govt Must Accept that More Places in Universities Requires More Funding
This week Higher Education Minister Simon Harris confirmed that thousands of extra recently introduced college places will remain in place.

Cambridge’s TAP-Inspired Programme is a Testament to Trinity
TAP-inspired access programmes have now found their way into both Oxford and Cambridge.