Comment & Analysis

What We Can Learn From the Lack of Queer Spaces During COVID Times
Club culture is a valued aspect of the Queer social scene – it just shouldn’t be the only aspect, writes Louis Butler Lynch.

Ag Foghlaim na Gaeilge Thar Lear
Tugann Síothrún Sardina cuntas ar conas gur fhoghlaim sé an Ghaeilge ar an idirlíon i San Diego.

Why Trinity Should Introduce A Compulsory Environmental Science Module
Sustainability, climate change, and environmental science affect every degree, and it is time that that is reflected in our university’s curriculums, writes Alix Pletcher.

Tá Bearta Maolaithe mar Bhua do Mhic Léinn, Ach Tháinig an Chumarsáid Ró-Dhéanach
An tseachtain seo d’fhógair raidhse de bhearta maolaithe don tréimhse scrúdaithe atá le teacht.

Is Masla atá sa Mholadh Deontais Shuarach do Shocrúcháin d’Altraí Faoi Oiliúnt
Bhí frustrachas agus díomá ar ionadaithe mac léinn ón gCumann Altraí agus Ban Cabhrach na hÉireann nuair a thug an moladh deontais gealltanas €100 sa tseachtain dóibh.

A Miserly Placement Grant Proposal That Added Insult to Injury
Student representatives from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation were left frustrated and disappointed after a grant proposal pledged them €100 per week.

Mitigation Measures Are A Win For Students, But Communication Came Too Late
College this week announced a raft of mitigation measures for the upcoming exam period.

Sally Rooney, Naoise Dolan, and Niamh Campbell Have Founded the ‘Trinity School’
Like Trinity campus itself, the writing in these novels can often take place deep within its own microcosm and rarely reflects reality, writes Barry Pierce.

COVID Shows How Hard it is to Fight Climate Change. We Can Do More to Help
Students can feel helpless in the face of climate change, but there is plenty we can do to help, writes Ross McCann.

After Leaving Ógra Fianna Fáil, I Expected Pushback – But Not Vitriol
I’ve received bitter abuse over my decision to quit the party, but I have not given up on politics, writes Niko Kawonczyk.