Comment & Analysis

Cutting ERC Funding Will Have Unforeseen Consequences
The European Research Council is set to lose €1.4 billion in funding due to the economic effects of the pandemic.

Ireland Must Commit to Increased Third-Level Funding And Equal Access for All
The economic arguments are clear: Ireland must increase funding to its higher education institutions, writes Laura Harmon.

Tá Schols Eilíteach, Ach Ní Léir Conas go bhFeabhasóidh Moltaí an Fáil atá Orthu
Thóg an Léachtóir Sinsearach athruithe beartaithe ar scrúduithe Schols go dtí Comhairle na hOllscoile i Mí Feabhra.

Ghéill an Hist do Bhrú, ag Casadh ar Shaoirse Cainte
An domhnach seo caite, tharraing an Hist cuireadh siar do Richard Dawkins chun labhairt leis an gcumann.

Tuxedos, Wine Cellars and the Arts-Block Runway: Dissecting the ‘Trinity Tradition’
College has a number of long-time practices which, when you take a step back, are rather bizarre, writes Ella Connolly.

The Pandemic Throws Up Challenges for Third-Level – But Also Opportunities
Higher education institutions and students face a myriad of challenges, but this is also a chance to tear up the rulebook and bring about real reform, writes Seán Defoe.

The Pandemic Has Brought the Beauty of Swimming in the Irish Sea to Life
Sea swimming is a marriage of life’s two greatest feelings – being completely freezing and semi-nude, writes Faye Curran.

Schols is Elitist, But It’s Unclear How Proposed Changes Will Improve its Accessibility
The Senior Lecturer brought proposed changes to Schols exams to University Council in February.

The Hist Has Allowed Itself to be Bullied Into Turning on Free Speech
Last Sunday, the Hist revoked an invitation to Richard Dawkins to speak to the society.

The Leaving Cert Crisis Has Laid Bare A Wrecked Third-Level System
The leaving certificate crisis hurts everyone – but above all it sheds lights on what is a profoundly damaged third-level sector, writes Orla Murnaghan.