Comment & Analysis

Easing College Grant Rules Means Little to Asylum Seekers With Deportation Orders
Asylum seekers will no longer need to have completed the leaving certificate to qualify for a college grant.

School Safety Plans Show PhDs Should Not Be Treated as an ‘Afterthought’
PhD students complained this week about a lack of communication from College surrounding the reopening.

Údar Díomá – Seachas Iontas – É Tuarascáil an Choimisinéara Teanga
Is beag an t-iontas an nuacht gur sháraigh ceithre ollscoil Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúila, dar le Malachi Ó Marcaigh.

Ba Chóir go mBeidh tús áite ag Sláinte Phoiblí ar Thurasóireacht sa Trionóid
Cuirfear fáilte roimh thurasóirí ar ais ar champas amarach ar bhonn teoranta.

D’fheidhmiú Rialacha Córóinvíris ar Champas Tá Gá le Guth Mhic Léinn
D’fhoilsigh an rialtas treoirlínte sláinte phoiblí d’ollscoileanna ag athoscailt san Fhómhair.

Students Need a Voice in the Implementation of On-Campus Coronavirus Rules
The government this week released public health guidelines for universities reopening in the Autumn.

Tourism is Important to Trinity, But Public Health Must Come First
Tourists will be welcomed back onto Trinity’s campus tomorrow on a limited basis.

The New Campus Guidelines Raise Questions But Are Ultimately Worth It
Students will face plenty of complications next year, but returning to campus is worth the hassle, writes Eimear Finan

Former HEA Chief Tom Boland May Be Just What TUSE Needs to Get Off the Ground
Tom Boland's experience and know-how will be important for the future of the south-east's aspirations of having a university, writes Faye Curran.

Teastaíonn Níos Mó Gníomhaíochta agus Níos Lú Suirbhéanna ar Fhoréigean Gnéasach
Tharraing Harris moladh an tseachtain seo do shraith tionscnamh a sheol sé chun dul i ngleic le foréigean gnéasach ar champas.