Comment & Analysis

Colleges, Take Note: A Third-Level Expert Just Poured Cold Water on Online Teaching
Peter Clinch warned this week that Ireland’s universities will struggle to ‘compete’ when it comes to a high-quality online education.

Praying Helped Me – Slowly but Surely – Improve My Relationship With Myself
Everyone’s different, but praying for someone’s well-being, or upon the loss of a loved one, surely helps the mind to cope, writes Robert Quinn.

Leaving Cert Inequality Doesn’t Start and End With Predictive Grades
Leaving certificate inequality existed long before calculated grades – it's built into the system, writes Social Democrat TD Gary Gannon.

Tá Sé Deacair Misneach an Choláiste ina Thionscadail Chaipitiúla a Thuiscint
Tá sé ráite ag an gColáiste go rachfar ar aghaidh le pleananna le haghaidh TTEC agus E3, in ainneoin faitís airgeadais de bharr an choróinvíris.

Tá Soiléireacht Ardteiste Againn – Teastaíonn Cinnteacht ó Mhic Léinn Anois
Ní mór don Choláiste beartais ar leith a thabhairt isteach dóibh siúd a beidh sa chéad bhliain – agus cumarsáid thapaidh agus éifeachtach a dhéanamh leo.

It’s Hard to Understand Trinity’s Optimism About its Capital Projects
College says it’s still pushing ahead with plans for TTEC and E3, despite huge financial fears as a result of the coronavirus.

We’ve Got Leaving Cert Clarity – Now Students Need Certainty From Colleges
Trinity must start putting in place specific plans for incoming first years – and communicate them quickly and clearly.

Clarity on Exams, But Muddier Waters for Colleges
The government's leaving certificate announcement today leaves colleges scratching their heads on many questions.

Cén Fáth a Bhfuil an Propast Ciúin Faoi Athruithe Bord le Tionchar ar Neamhspleáchais?
Is ball é Patrick Prendergast de ghrúpa oibre a mhol athruithe a bhí ina údar imní do mhórán daoine maidir le neamhspleáchas an Choláiste.

In Lockdown, Place – and Space – Seem More Important Than Ever
Aoibh Ní Chroimín on the value of perusing the local in lockdown – and the prospect of a joyful reunion with Dublin when it ends.