Comment & Analysis

Why is the Provost So Quiet on Board Changes With Huge Autonomy Implications?
Patrick Prendergast is a member of a working group proposing changes that many fear could jeopardise Trinity’s independence.

Reshaping Board Will Change Trinity’s Governance – And Not for the Better
Prof Eunan O'Halpin, a two-time member of College Board, says history does not support the ideas underpinning proposed alterations to Board.

Munar Féidir Múinteoireacht Ar-Líne A Sheachaint, Caithfidh an Coláiste É a Chur i bhFeidhm i gCeart
Tá an Tríonóid ag smaoineamh ar léachtaí móra a bhogadh ar líne mar thoradh ar phaindéim an choróinvíris.

I dTríú-Leibhéal, Údar Imní é Bagairt ón bPropast. Ní Dócha go n-Éisteofar Leis
An tseachtain seo bhagair Propast Patrick Prendergast go bhféadfadh an Coláiste €120 milliún a chailliúint mar gheall ar an bpaindéim choróinvíris.

I Halla na Tríonóide, Aimsíodh Práisc Lóistín Eile Déanta ag an gColáiste
Bhí fearg ar mhic léinn i Halla na Tríonóide faoin gcostas a bhainfeadh le fanacht sa lóistín.

In Halls, Trinity Gets Into Another Accommodation Mess Of Its Own Making
Students in Halls were outraged at nightly charges to remain in accommodation, and by a proposal to move those staying into one block.

On Third-Level, a Provostial Warning is Worrying. It’s Also Likely to Go Unheard
Provost Patrick Prendergast this week warned Trinity could lose up to €120 million as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Online Teaching May Be Unavoidable. If So, College Must Get it Right
Trinity is considering moving large lectures online as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Could Online Teaching – Ushered in Mid-Pandemic – Be Here to Stay?
Online teaching certainly isn't without merit – but long-term policy changes shouldn't get their start during a crisis, writes Cormac Watson.

FOMO is Part of College, But It Shouldn’t Stop Us From Doing What Makes Us Happy
Getting tonsillitis nine times in 18 months can give a college student invaluable perspective on FOMO, writes Ella Connolly.