Comment & Analysis

We Can’t Take Academic Freedom for Granted. Troubling Developments in UCD Prove It
UCD attempted to make changes that acknowledged a ‘risk of tension’ between academic freedom and internationalisation.

Students Didn’t Get No Detriment – They Got a College Unusually Ready to Compromise
Students didn’t get no detriment in the way they’d hoped, but Trinity worked hard to capture the spirit of the policy.

What’s In A Name? For Irish People, Potentially A Lot
For Aoibh Ní Chroimín, the introduction of fadas for Trinity ID cards made her consider what her Irish and English surnames meant to her.

College Has Said No to No Detriment – But Obeyed the Spirit of the Policy
Trinity hasn't adopted no detriment – but it has put a lot of work into minimising detriment to students this exam period, writes Aoife Kearins.

Ní Bheadh Polasaí Gan Díobháil Foirfe – Ach Is É An Moladh Is Fearr Atá Cloistithe Againn
I rith na seachtaine, d’éiligh na mílte mic léinn go gcuirfear polasaí i bhfeidhm a thabharfadh cosaint dá ghráid.

No Detriment Isn’t a Perfect Policy – But It’s the Best Proposal We’ve Seen
Thousands of students have this week demanded the implementation of a policy that will safeguard their grades.

Comhartha Iad na Líomhaintí i Leith an Hist go Bhfuil an t-Éilíteachas sa Choláiste
Tá iarsmaí conspóideacha ón seansaol fós le feiscint i gcumainn na Tríonóide – ní amháin an Hist.

Hist Accusations a Timely Reminder – Again – That Elitism Has Deep Roots in Trinity
Questionable relics of the past remain intact in many of Trinity’s societies – including, but not only, in the Hist.

Más Laochra iad Oibrithe Sláinte, Conas a Rinne an Rialtas Dearmad Orthu?
Tá liodán de cheisteanna ag mic léinn altrachta, fiú leis an rialtas ag moladh na n-oibrithe sláinte.

If Hospital Staff Are Heroes, Why Do Many Feel They’re a Government Afterthought?
Student nursing interns face a litany of unanswered questions, even as the government hails healthcare workers.