The Provost's attempts to pre-emptively justify rent increases ended up highlighting ethical and intellectual missteps, writes Aoife Kearins.
By Aoife Kearins
Tháinig deighilt chun cinn an tseachtain seo idir an leas-propast don chomhionannas agus an plean straitéiseach de bharr an ghradaim Athena SWAN.
Thit líon na mac léinn a chaith vóta sa toghchán uachtaránachta i mbliana faoi 25 faoin gcéad.
A disconnect emerged this week between the vice-provost for equality and the strategic plan over the Athena SWAN award.
By The Editorial Board
The number of students voting in this year’s TCDSU presidential election dropped by 25 per cent.
By The Editorial Board
The issue of voter turnout plagues authorities the world over. Is there a way for TCDSU to get more students to the polls?
By Emer Moreau
D’athoscail Caifé na Gaeilge in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh ag tús mhí Eanáir, tar éis cinneadh é a dhúnadh i mí Mheán Fómhair.
By Darragh Mac Giolla Phádraig
Bhí an ceart ag agóideoirí rabhadh a thabhairt don Chólaiste go bhfuil mic léinn réidh le troid i gcoinne arduithe cíosa.
Bhí forlámhas ag an deighilt idir náisiúnta agus áitiúil san fheachtas toghcháin don uachtarán i mbliana, agus bhí an bua ag aontas polaitiúil.
Tonight's questions provided little in the way of revelation for any undecided voters.