Comment & Analysis


Balancing the Pressures of Christmas and College

The desire to do well can rub up against the fact that most socialising around this time of year will involve the offer of something alcoholic, writes Phoebe Pascoe
By Phoebe Pascoe

Learning to Drive in Ireland Will Drive Me Mad

Between the waiting lists and the financial aspect, learning to drive in Ireland feels like an inescapable and never-ending roundabout, writes Sophie Coffey
By Sophie Coffey

Racism, Mental Health, and the Urgent Call for Change in Trinity’s Counselling Services

Over time, this discomfort started to extend beyond specific moments, permeating my sense of self and safety. I felt uncomfortable in my skin and that I did not belong in my environment, writes Kiran Singh
By Kiran Singh

The Issue of the Student-to-Staff Ratio Extends Beyond the Rankings

While there are some variations across courses and disciplines, the common thread agreed upon by my friends and I was that many of our professors would struggle to pick us out of a line-up, writes Sophie Coffey
By Sophie Coffey

Cancer Society’s Christmas Appeal

It is in the festive spirit that the Trinity Cancer Society is this year appealing for toys for children suffering with cancer around Ireland, writes Fiachra Mooney
By Fiachra Mooney

Reusable Cup Initiatives are Drops into Warming Oceans

Yes, we recycle, but as developed countries, we also emit the most greenhouse gases and create the most urbanised cities, writes Amelia McGowan
By Amelia McGowan

The Unseen Struggles of Students of Colour in Campus Counselling

Students of colour face disparities in accessing counselling services due to cultural stigma, lack of representation and unfamiliarity with available resources, writes Tolulope Babatunde
By Tolulope Babatunde

Stories are Essential for Students

"Everything, from science to history, advertising to finance, cooking to healthcare, just works better if we can recognise it as a story", writes Becky Long
By Becky Long

Editorial: College Should Offer Hybrid Classes Amid the Current Crisis

While College should be commended for the concern it has shown for students' safety amid the ongoing riots, this compassion must be extended to ensure their academic success does not suffer.
By The Editorial Board

It’s Time to Freeze Class Sizes

Why does more students at College have to result in a lesser student experience?
By The Editorial Board