Brian Singleton, a Eurovision fanatic, is an encyclopaedia on theatre. But students are what matters to him most of all.
By Rachel O’Leary
Ag an gcomhairle deireanach, dhiúltaigh TCDSU rún chun tacú le Cut the Rent, grúpa mac léinn atá ag eagrú stailc chíosa.
An tseachtain seo, bhunaigh UCCSU banc bia do mhic léinn atá ag streachailt.
This week, UCCSU set up a food bank for students struggling to get by.
By The Editorial Board
At last council, TCDSU rejected a motion to support Cut the Rent, a student-led group trying to organize a rent strike.
By The Editorial Board
In relationships, emotional abuse can take many forms. It's important to know the signs.
D’eagraigh an Propast Patrick Prendergast agus an tAire Ardoideachais Mary Mitchell O’Connor aighneas i nuachtán náisiúnta an tseachtain seo caite.
Léiríonn na héilimh ón bhaill den fheachtas nua PhD go bhfuil nádúr ilghnéitheach ag na fadhbanna rompu.
The demands of Trinity’s new PhD campaign group reveal the multifaceted issues faced by its members.
By The Editorial Board
Provost Patrick Prendergast and Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor staged a dispute in a national newspaper last week.
By The Editorial Board