Comment & Analysis

Bille Modúlach Ar Ais Arís, Tá Fáilte Mhór Roimhe
Is cosúil go bhfuil foinse eile maoinithe aimsithe ag an gColáiste do chóras a chabhróidh le saoil na mac léinn.

A Good Move for Gender Equality, Overshadowed by Questions of Method and Motive
Questions remain about the process by which College appointed its new associate vice-provost for equality, diversity and inclusion.

Modular Billing, Back from the Dead, is a Welcome Re-Addition to Trinity
Trinity appears to have found an alternative source of funding for a system that will help students lives.

We Need to Talk About Suicide
Suicide is a crisis that is robbing people of their futures, and we need to start acting accordingly, writes Alex Connolly.

Meet Prof Brian Singleton, the Most Famous Name in Scholarly Theatre
Brian Singleton, a Eurovision fanatic, is an encyclopaedia on theatre. But students are what matters to him most of all.

An tSeachtain Seo Caite, Thréig Comhairle TCDSU a Choimeádachas – Arís
Ag an gcomhairle deireanach, dhiúltaigh TCDSU rún chun tacú le Cut the Rent, grúpa mac léinn atá ag eagrú stailc chíosa.

Léiríonn Banc Bia UCC na Deacrachtaí Atá Roimh Mhic Léinn
An tseachtain seo, bhunaigh UCCSU banc bia do mhic léinn atá ag streachailt.

UCC Food Banks Are A Symbol Of The Increasing Hardships Students Face
This week, UCCSU set up a food bank for students struggling to get by.

Cut The Rent Debacle Exposes A Timid Council’s Conservatism
At last council, TCDSU rejected a motion to support Cut the Rent, a student-led group trying to organize a rent strike.

I Was in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship – I’m Still Standing
In relationships, emotional abuse can take many forms. It's important to know the signs.