Comment & Analysis

Plean Polaitiúil ag Earnáil le Díth Airgid. Is Beag Éifeacht a Bheidh Aige ar an Rialtas ar nDóigh
Is beag seans go rachfaidh seift pholaitiúil an ardoideachais i bfheidhm ar choinsias an rialtais roimh an mbuiséad ar an Máirt.

Le Rath Stailceanna Cíosa a Chinntiú, Caithfidh Gníomhaithe agus TCDSU Bheith ar Aon Intinn
Bhí sé aisteach nach raibh tuilleadh plé faoi stailceanna cíosa ag comhairle TCDSU an Mháirt seo caite.

Pre-Budget, a Starving Sector Makes Political Moves. The Government is Unlikely to Care
It’s unlikely that higher education’s political manoeuvring will sway the government’s thinking ahead of Tuesday’s budget.

For Rent Strikes to Work, Activists and TCDSU Must be on the Same Page
It was puzzling to see so little discussion of rent strikes at last Tuesday’s TCDSU council.

My Utrecht Erasmus Has Made Me a Parody of Leprechaun Irishness
Molly Furey rediscovers her Irish roots, via Guinness and gas craic, on an Erasmus in the Netherlands.

When the Academic Becomes Political: Trinity’s Vice-Provost Prepares for New Challenges
Prof Jurgen Barkhoff, Trinity's new Vice-Provost, has an impressive CV. But the demands of the Trinity Education Project won't be easy to navigate.

San Oideachas, Ní Féidir Luach a Bhunú ar Deiseanna Fostaíochta
Tá an iomarca béime á chur againn ar an gcaoi a dtacaíonn an Ghaeilge leis an saol gairmiúil, dar le Malachi Ó Marcaigh.

The College Experience is a Myth – and Not a Convincing One
The idea that college will be the best years of your life and you’ll spend them in perpetual bliss isn’t the reality, writes Sárán Fogarty.

Abolishing College Fees Will Do Nothing for Educational Inequality
Inequality in Ireland's education system starts far before College. Solutions must come earlier if we're to tackle the issue, writes Declan Jordan.

Gealltanais le Comhlíonadh ag Réimeas Nua DUCAC
Tá rothaí na n-athruithe ag casadh i DUCAC. Ní mór don cheannasaíocht nua athruithe suntasacha a chur i bhfeidhm.