Trying to paint the results of the National Student Accommodation Strategy as a win is an insult to students.
By The Editorial Board
Seans gur bratach bhréagach a bhí in óráid ‘cróga’ Micheál Martin ag comhdháil ardoideachais.
Níl smacht againn ar an éigeandáil aeráide go dtí seo, agus mothaíonn sé dósháraithe ar uairibh, ach ní leiscéal é sin do fhaillí.
Micheal Martin’s ‘brave’ speech at a higher education conference was possibly a false flag.
By The Editorial Board
The climate crisis is overwhelming and can feel insurmountable, but that is no excuse for inaction.
By The Editorial Board
Abolishing fees sounds great, but in reality it would force the most vulnerable fund the education of the middle classes, writes Jack Synnott.
By Jack Synnott
Four years since immediate action was called for in higher education, we're still no closer to even the beginnings of a decision, writes Jack Synnott.
By Jack Synnott
Má tá ionadaíocht le déanamh ar an Lucht Siúil sa pholaitíocht, beidh ar ollscoileanna bealaí chun oideachais i bhfad níos insroichte a chruthú.
Is gá don Choláiste freagracht éigin a ghlacadh as na páirtithe a chuireann ócáidí ar siúl ar champas.
If Travellers are to be represented in politics, universities must make routes to education accessible.
By The Editorial Board